The company away day is an exciting part of our working lives. A great opportunity for team bonding, and a chance to strengthen relationships with colleagues, clients, and peers. Off site events can boost morale by rewarding staff with an engaging experience outside of their regular working days. There’s lots to consider when arranging a work away day. The team at Flavour Events are very experienced in advising clients and will help you choose the best options. Here are five tips for planning the perfect away day.


1. Think about the reason for holding the event. Before you plan your away day event, be clear about why you’re organising it and what your intended outcome is. Are you hoping to invite prospective clients to be educated, entertained and impressed by your business culture? Perhaps you’d like to gather your regional managers for an annual strategy meeting, or hone the skills of your sales team? The reason for the event will help to inform your venue and activity choices. Whether you need a grandiose, impactful venue, or a fun space where colleagues can relax, the Flavour Events team can help source your ideal location.

2. Know your budget Demand is very high for UK away day venues. There is a lot of competition to book, and reviewing venues outside of your budget can have a negative impact on turnaround time. If you want to source and secure the best options, be clear on the budget you have to work with. Remember to factor in venue costs, plus whether attendees will need accommodation. Allocate budget for meals and refreshments during the agenda. Do you require conferencing or AV facilities? Do you need team building activities, entertainment, or event hosting? Will you decorate the venue for your event? Knowing your accurate budget from the start will save precious time and quickly get you the perfect package.


3. Choose the right location Distance is important when choosing the best venue for your company away days. By choosing the right location, you can save on attendee travel expenses, and allow more time at the venue for activities. Consider where each attendee will be travelling from, and how they’d get to the meeting location. Will there be parking available? Is the venue close to rail stations or transport hubs? If you want to include trips or off-site dining as part of your agenda, choose a main venue that is close to cities, towns or locations with a selection of options. Use Google Maps or similar websites to research travel times and transport options.

4. Pick the perfect venue The UK has a wide selection of amazing away-day venues to choose from. Gorgeous country estate hotels like Wotton House (pictured above) boast elegant spaces in a historic rural setting. Modern hotels like Aviator have fabulous facilities and accessible locations. Impressive luxury resorts like The Grove offer world class business and leisure facilities to suit any corporate event. Look for venues that meet your agenda needs while making your guests feel comfortable and impressed. If your venue offers every element under one roof, you’ll save time by not needing to travel off-site.


5. Include activities and entertainment Team building activities are perfect for generating energy, improving morale, teaching new skills and promoting collaboration. All of which will positively impact your business. Rewarding delegates with a posh meal, or fun entertainment after a day of learning adds a memorably positive touch to your agenda. When planning activities or entertainment, think about the profile of the guests, along with the intended outcome following the activity. We work with tons of fabulous suppliers and can help you find the right activities and entertainment for your event. 

If you’re planning a corporate away day, now is the time to get booking!