For Customers

Flavour Venues & Events is a business which lists and represents thousands of event venues, spaces, accommodation, team building and virtual event suppliers. Users can browse our website to find venues and activities which meet the requirements of the events they are planning. The website allows users to create accounts and save their favourite venues and activities. When a user is ready to enquire about a potential booking, their enquiry is sent by secure email directly to the venue or activity event manager. From here, the event manager and user can communicate directly. Both communicate via the Flavour Venues & Events platform, so that a record of their communication can easily be accessed by the user at any point. If the user wishes to book, the venue or supplier will arrange their booking, plus any agreements or payment directly with them.

It is 100% for users to create accounts, search for venues and manage enquiries using the Flavour website. Flavour Venues & Events do not charge any administration or booking fees. There are no fees for using our searches or communicating with the suppliers we list. The venues and activity suppliers who list with us do so free of charge. We insist that the prices listed on our website are identical to how they would be by going direct to the supplier. Flavour Venues & Events do not take any payment from our users. All payments related to venue or activity bookings will be managed by the venue or supplier. The suppliers we list pay us a commission (percentage of booking value) only after the event takes place.

We list thousands of venues and activities, all within a website which makes it quick and easy to find what you’re looking for. Users can communicate directly with suppliers via the platform and keep a record of their past and current activity. We monitor all listings to ensure that pricing is equal to what's available if you were to contact the venue or supplier directly.

There is no fee for listing with Flavour Venues & Events, and we encourage new listings, so our database of quality venues and suppliers continues to grow by the day.

Our company was created by highly experienced event managers with a passion for hospitality. Our team ensures only the best venues and suppliers are listed, and that communication is fast and efficient. We understand the challenges faced by event bookers, and we're here to make things easier for you.

Start by clicking on Login/Register near the top-right corner of the website. If you are new to Flavour Venues & Events, you can create your user account by clicking Sign Up. Provide your name, email address and telephone number, so that any listings you enquire about are able to get in touch with you. Provide your chosen password and reconfirm it. Tick the box if you wish to receive the latest Flavour news and offers by email. Click remember me to make signing in easier next time.

Once your account is created, you can make and manage enquiries with the venues and suppliers listed on the Flavour Venues & Events website. You can also add listings to your favourites to manage and enquire at a later date.

The Flavour Venues & Events website can be used to find Venue spaces, Activity spaces, Accommodation, Team building activities and Virtual events, for private and corporate bookings. You can start your search from the main search box near the top of the website homepage. Simply choose the category, the type of event you’re planning (such as a Christmas party), input the location you’d like to search in, and the number of guests that will be at your event. Hit search, and you’ll be taken to a page showing top level results of your search. From here, you can adjust the filters to match your other requirements, such as budget. If searching for venues and listings with a permanent location, you can use the map to search locations.

Alternatively, you can use the tiles on the homepage to navigate directly to popular search results, such as Virtual events, or venue spaces in the South West. You can apply additional filters to find the right listings for you. When you see a listing you like, click on the image to get full information on that venue or activity.

The Flavour Venues & Events website allows you to make direct email contact with the dedicated event manager or team at every venue and activity we list. To make an enquiry, simply complete the enquiry form for the listing you’re interested in and hit send. You can also add a listing to your Favourites. This allows you to review Favourite listings and make an enquiry at a later date. By using the enquiry method described above, all communication is securely managed and stored in the platform for easy reference. This makes it easy to track and follow up on enquires, all in one place.

The event managers for the venues and activities we manage have agreed to respond to enquiries they receive within 72 hours. Our event team will also track enquiries and follow up with the event managers if they are unresponsive.

Please be patient as some event managers receive a very high volume of enquiries, especially around peak event seasons, such as leading towards Christmas. If your enquiries are not being answered within 72 hours, please email: [email protected] and we will do whatever we can to help.

Once you’ve made an enquiry and are happy with the availability and package being offered by the event manager, you can request to book via the platform. The event manager will follow up to confirm, including the supply of their agreement terms, and arranging payment of any required deposits or hire fees. Flavour Venues & Events do not manage payments or confirm bookings on behalf of the venues and suppliers who list with us.

Once your booking has been confirmed, all service and communication thereafter is to be managed between you and the venue / supplier event manager. Cancellations and amendments to a booking will be in accordance with the terms you have agreed with the supplier. Please contact the venue or supplier directly using the contact information they have supplied you. Flavour Venues & Events are not responsible for event fulfilment or cancellations. Click on Terms at the bottom of this website for more information.

If you’re struggling to find a suitable venue or activity, try adjusting the search filters, as there may not be any options listed which meet your criteria.

Flavour Venues & Events also offer a free sourcing service to help find what you’re looking for, including venues and activities which are not currently listed on our website. Please note that this service is only available for corporate events with a value of £5,000 and above. If your event qualifies, you can visit the venue finding page via the menu at the bottom of the website to make an enquiry to use this service.

Your easy to use Flavour Venues & Events account will let you manage administration tasks, such as recovering your log in details or managing your password. If you need to contact event managers you have enquired with, you can do this in the platform by logging into your account and using the messages section, or via any contact details they have supplied you.

Please use our FAQ section first to search for any information relating to how to use the website.

If you need support with anything that isn't available via the website, you can contact the Flavour Venues & Events team by sending an email to: [email protected]

This inbox is monitored between 9:00 - 17:00, Monday to Friday. We aim to respond to your email within 72 working hours.

For venues, suppliers and event managers

Listing with Flavour Venues & Events is free. We accept an unlimited number of listings for Venue spaces, Accommodation, Activity spaces, Team building activities, and Virtual events. Our platform allows businesses to easily create, amend and update listings. Enquires made via our website are passed directly to the supplier-side event manager, and can be securely tracked and managed in the platform for ease of reference. Our suppliers manage their own payments and issue their own terms of agreement when confirming bookings, allowing all the flexibility your business needs.

We offer competitive commission rates in agreement for listing with us. Flavour Venues & Events only charges commission after the event which originated from an enquiry via our a website has taken place, meaning suppliers who list with us receive their payment for the event before any commission is due to us. Read our full Terms of sale here. 

Our website is built so that your listing is easy to find. After registering your business and listing with us, you will also be considered by our venue finding team when they are working on high value client enquiries. Our regular clients include event bookers from Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Oracle, Deutsche Bank, plus many other industry leaders. We market our website and services so that your business gets attention from the customers you want to reach.

 You can create a listing for full venue hire, venue space hire, activity venues to hire, spaces and activities at a venue, and accommodation, provided the venue has a UK address.

You can also create listings for team building activities, conference energisers, workshops, sports, games, challenges and classes. These should all be available within the UK, either at dedicated location, or with the option of the supplier travelling to a UK venue chosen by the client.

You can also list a wide range of virtual and hybrid events. These could be delivered to guests outside of the UK. You can decide on the times the event is available, and whether or not you can manage postage to locations outside of the UK, if applicable.

Our clever website makes creating and managing your listings as easy as possible. The website instructions will guide you through each step of the process. First, you’ll need to create a user account, supply your business details, and agree our terms before creating your listings and receiving enquiries.

If you want to list venue hire, venue spaces, spaces or activities at an activity venue, or accommodation, you first need to Add a venue (you can skip this step and go straight to Add a listing if you are listing team building activities or virtual events). Your venue page contains the address, venue rules and important info that will be inherited by any venue space listings associated with that venue. If you have more than one venue, Add a venue for each before creating the listings.

Next, click on Add a listing, choose the type of listing you’d like to create, and complete the information as requested. If you are creating a listing for full venue hire, venue spaces or accommodation, use the drop-down menu to select the venue the listing is associated to.

Once your listing has been created, we’ll review it to make sure it fits with our terms. We’ll then notify you by email that it’s live, or let you know of any adjustments to make before we publish it. Once your listing is live, our website users will be able to enquire and communicate with you directly if they are interested in hiring your venue or services.

Yes, it’s free to create a Business account and place as many listings as you’d like on the Flavour Venues & Events website. We charge no listing, usage or membership fees. You can easily update your listings and manage all enquiries and communication with interested bookers through the website. Bookings which originated from enquiries via the Flavour Venues and Events website are subject to our commission fee. Our commission fees are 10% for Venue spaces, Activity spaces and Accommodation bookings, or 15% for Team Building and Virtual event bookings. Commission is payable after the events take place.

Read our terms of sale for comprehensive commission information. 

If a Business lists with Flavour, and a user enquires with them through our website, a commission fee will be due after the enquiry becomes a booking. Commission is payable to Flavour only after the event takes place, so you’ll get your full payment from the booking first. The Business takes payment from the client, then Flavour sends the business an invoice for the commission fee after the event has happened.

By listing venues, spaces and accommodation with us, the Business agrees to pay Flavour a commission equivalent to 10% (NET, plus VAT where applicable) of total booking value, for any venue, space or accommodation booking which originated from a Flavour website enquiry, or via one of Flavour’s venue finding team. Total booking value includes all revenue generated by the booking, including hire fees, contracted minimum spends, and on-the-day final F&B spend (excluding service charge). Any commission arrangement outside of that described above must be mutually agreed by email between the Business and Flavour before the listing is published.

By listing in-person activities, performers, hosts, event supplies and virtual events with us, the Business agrees to pay Flavour a commission equivalent to 15% (NET plus VAT where applicable) of total booking value, within 7 days after the event takes place, for any booking which originated from a Flavour website enquiry, or from a member of the Flavour team. Total booking value includes all revenue generated by the booking, including hosting fees, per person fees, materials costs, and transportation/logistics fees.

If the supplier is based in the United Kingdom, VAT will be charged in addition to the commission fee. Any commission arrangements outside of those described above must be mutually agreed in writing by the supplier and Flavour Events before the listing is published.

Don't worry, simply email a description of the difficulty you are experiencing to: [email protected]    

This inbox is monitored between 9:00 - 17:00, Monday to Friday. We aim to respond to your email within 72 working hours.

If your listings are in Draft stage, you can easily delete them by going to the listings section and clicking delete for the listing you wish to delete. Make sure you keep your Venue or Listing pages as drafts until you are satisfied you have completed all the information correctly. Before your listing goes live, it will need to be approved by an administrator. Once you have requested approval, you will be unable to delete your listing. To request approval, click the Request approval box on the final page (publishing) during the listing creation process. In accordance with our terms, live listings cannot be deleted by business users, as there may be unresolved issues which require the listing to be accessible. In order to stop your listings from displaying on the website, simply set the publication date to a date far in the future, so that the listing will not be visible to website users. 

Follow this guide on how to create a Venue spaces listing, starting from scratch.


If you have space within a venue that can be hired in full, or in part, for private and corporate events, you can list it under Venue spaces. Examples of venue spaces include: Conference spaces, private dining rooms, roof terraces, outdoor spaces, meeting rooms, halls, bar areas, studios, blank canvas spaces, restaurants and large table bookings. If the space is hired specifically because it includes an activity, such as darts, mini golf, bowling, axe throwing etc, you should list it under Activity spaces. Activity spaces listings will appear in relevant Venue spaces searches too. 


(Skip to ADD A VENUE if you have already signed up as a user and registered your business).

First, you must register as a user on Click register from the top right menu, followed by Sign Up.

Provide your full name, email address, and telephone number. Enter the password you’d like to use to access your account, then reconfirm it.

Select your email marketing preferences.

If you tick “I’d like to register my business details to create listings after signing up”, you will be taken directly to the business registration page at the next step. If you wish to do that later, you can get to the business registration page by selecting “Create a Flavour listing” or “My Business” from the homepage when you’re logged in.

Click “Next” on the Register your business page.

Input your business details. This information must be completed accurately. This is the company information we will use to invoice your business for our agency commission following the completion of any bookings which originated from an enquiry via the Flavoursearch website.

Complete all fields marked as mandatory *. It isn’t mandatory to complete the Company online presence section, but it is advisable because it might help our venue finding team and marketing team to better serve you.

You must agree to our Terms of Use and Terms of Sale if you want to list your business on our website. You can read these terms by clicking the adjacent links. Tick the box next to the links to agree the terms, then enter your full name and position within the company, then hit save changes to proceed. If there are any errors in your form completion, the website will notify you.


(Skip to ADD A LISTING if the Venue relating to the Venue space you want to list has already been created).

All listings for Venue spaces, Accommodation, and Activity spaces must be linked to a Venue. The Venue page acts as a link between all Venue space listings at the same venue. The venue page does not appear in searches, but it is accessible via listing pages attached to that venue.

From the Business created page, click Add a venue.

On the Venue portfolio page, enter the name of the venue, a short summary of the venue that will serve as a subtitle to the venue name, plus a longer description to make the venue appealing to potential customers.

Choose a venue type which best describes your venue from the drop-down menu.

Next, click to select the venue types which apply to your venue. Choose all that are applicable as it will help customers efficiently find what they’re looking for.

Click Choose Media to add images to your Venue page. If you have already uploaded images to Flavoursearch, you can search for them here. If not, click Choose file to select images from your computer storage. Once selected, click Upload to add the image to your Flavoursearch image database.

Once uploaded, the images will appear under the Upload field. Click the images you want to use to add them to your Venue page. The first image you click will be the main image. You must use a minimum of 6 images. Click close after selecting your images.

Click Save & Next to progress.

On the next page, enter the address details for your venue. It is important that the address is correct because it will affect any listings you associate with the venue. Either use the search for an address tool or enter it manually.

From the Search Location drop down menu, choose the search location option most appropriate. If the city where your venue is located is shown, select it. If not, select the region or country where your venue is located. This will show your listings in searches starting from the homepage. For example, if you select Wales / Cardiff, it will appear under those broad searches.

Write the name of the railway, underground or metro station closest to your venue.

Use the Search Exclusions section to hide any listings associated with the venue from appearing for enquiries for certain dates. For example, if your venue closes for renovations every February, click add an exclusion and use the calendar tool to select the first and last dates the venue is unavailable. Click add an exclusion again to add additional dates, such as the same period for subsequent years. Flavour Search staff may also add search exclusions to your listings. For example, if you have specified to us that you don’t pay agency commission for December events, we will exclude your listings for being shown to customers searching for December dates.

Click Save & Next.

Complete the Cuisine field to describe the type of food offered at the venue. If you offer a variety, such as Modern European and American bar snacks, write that. If your venue does not offer food, write N/A.

Input the total number of event spaces the venue has available to hire.

Next, click to select as many of the Accessibility options which apply to your venue. Choose one or more.

Next, click to select the food and drinks options offered at the venue, the licenses the venue has (if any), plus one or more applicable parking option.

Click Save & Next

On the next page, click to select the age policies, venue catering options and venue rules for your venue. Click none, or as many as are applicable. To display your own rules, such as dress codes or rules about dogs, click +Add custom rule.

Finally, once all the steps above have been completed, tick the Request approval box to submit your venue page to be approved by Flavour Search administrators. While the venue is pending approval, you can still proceed with creating listings for that venue.


Now that you have created a Venue, you can create listings to associate with that venue.

From your business dashboard, click Manage listings, or Listings, then click Create listing.

Choose the type of listing you wish to create. In this case, Venue spaces. This listing will display under relevant customer searches for Venue spaces.

Select the name of the Venue the listing will be linked to from the drop-down menu. If you have created multiple venues, they will be shown here.

Type the name of the venue space you wish to list. For example, Private dining room. There is no need to write the name of the venue as that will automatically appear in the listing.

Write a short description to summarise the space, followed by a longer description.

Add six or more images for the listing using the process described above under ADD A VENUE.

Click Save & Next.

Next, you’ll input hire capacity values for the space. Use the arrows or your keyboard to write the minimum number of guests you would accept a booking for, the maximum number of guests the space can accommodate, then the maximum number of guests the space can accommodate in seated or standing formats.

Under layout, tick all the types of layouts the space can accommodate, and enter max capacity values in the adjacent fields. If your space can fit 20 guests in a boardroom layout, click the Boardroom box, and enter 20 in the field to the right, and so on.

In dimensions, enter the size dimensions of the space in your preferred format.

Use the privacy drop-down to mark whether the space is Private (exclusively for the use of your guests), Semi-private (a room for your use, which may be visible to other venue guests), or Shared space (other venue guests will be in the same room as your event guests).

Click Save & Next.

On the next page, you’ll set the pricing options for hiring your space. First, set the minimum total spend per booking price. This is the minimum total price you will accept for a customer to hire your space. It is mandatory to complete this field. This number will determine if the listing will appear in a search when a customer has specified their event budget.

Next, select one or more Tiered prices and hours options. These details will be displayed on the listing page to help customers understand your pricing structure. Under the pricing category (Minimum spend, Hire fee etc..) click + Add new minimum spend to complete.

Minimum spend = Total minimum amount customer agrees to spend on their event. This could be a combination of F&B spend, hire fee etc.

Hire fee = If the space has an additional fee to cover hire, set up etc, write the price here.

Package per person = If you offer a package price per person, such as a daily delegate rate which includes refreshments and use of the space, write the price here.

Hire fee & minimum spend = To show the combined price for space hire, plus the minimum amount the customer will need to spend on F&B, write that here.

Hire fee & package per person = To show the combined hire fee and PP price, write that here.

Under each pricing category you have selected, you can set the amount. Use the drop down to show if that price applies per session, per hour, per morning, per afternoon, per evening, or per day. Use your keyboard or the arrows to note the hours your pricing covers. Finally, click on the days to show the days your space is available to hire according to the price option displayed. You can click + Add new minimum spend under each category to show different prices for different times and days. For example, if your minimum spend for a morning session on a Monday is different to your price for an evening session on a Friday, use + Add new minimum spend for every variable.

Use the Out-of-hours private hire options to let customers know if your prices and hours are negotiable, or if they are firm in accordance with what’s displayed in the listing. Click whichever option is correct.

Click Save & Next.

On the next page, you’ll select the Accessibility, Facilities, Food and drinks, and Licenses information to add to your listing. Select all the correct information, but don’t select information that does not apply. This info will appear on your listing page. It will also be used to filter your listing in a filtered search. For example, if a customer indicates they need Disabled access in a search filter, but you have not clicked Disabled access because your space does not have it, your listing will not be shown in that search.

Click Save & Next.

On the next page, you’ll select your keyword tags. These represent the types of events your space is suitable for. Each of these event type tags can be used in search filters, and for the customer to tell you what type of event they are planning in their enquiry form submission. They will also be shown on your listing, so click all that apply, but none that don’t.

Click Save & Next.

On the final page, you’ll get ready to publish your listing. First, select your publication date and time, either by using your keyboard, or the calendar tool. Click today if you are ready for the listing to go live the moment it has been approved. If you don’t want your listing to be visible until after a certain date, set that date here.

Select the User (person) that will manage enquiries for this listing under the User drop-down menu. If you have invited other users to manage your listings or business, they will appear here after they have accepted the invitation. If no other users have been invited, the name of the person who activated the business account will be shown.

Finally, when you are satisfied that you have fully and correctly completed your listing, tick the Request approval box. This will notify the Flavour search administrators that your listing requires their approval. Once the listing has been checked to make sure it’s complete and conforms with our terms and conditions, it will become live. You will receive an email notifying you that the listing is live, or if it requires alterations. Please note that once a listing is live, it cannot be deleted. Be sure to click Save & View to see what your listing will look like, then click edit listing to make any changes before you tick to Request approval.

Click Save & Finish once you are happy with your listing.  

Follow this guide on how to create an Activity spaces listing, starting from scratch.


If you have a venue which offers activities, with spaces that can be hired in part or in full, for private and corporate events, you can list it under Activity spaces. Examples of the activities within an activity space can include: Mini golf, darts, axe throwing, go-karts, pool, fairground games, video games, bowling, shuffleboard, group challenges, life-sized board games and more. Activity spaces listings will appear under relevant Venue spaces searches too. 


(Skip to ADD A VENUE if you have already signed up as a user and registered your business).

First, you must register as a user on Click register from the top right menu, followed by Sign Up.

Provide your full name, email address, and telephone number. Enter the password you’d like to use to access your account, then reconfirm it.

Select your email marketing preferences.

If you tick “I’d like to register my business details to create listings after signing up”, you will be taken directly to the business registration page at the next step. If you wish to do that later, you can get to the business registration page by selecting “Create a Flavour listing” or “My Business” from the homepage when you’re logged in.

Click “Next” on the Register your business page.

Input your business details. This information must be completed accurately. This is the company information we will use to invoice your business for our agency commission following the completion of any bookings which originated from an enquiry via the Flavoursearch website.

Complete all fields marked as mandatory *. It isn’t mandatory to complete the Company online presence section, but it is advisable because it might help our venue finding team and marketing team to better serve you.

You must agree to our Terms of Use and Terms of Sale if you want to list your business on our website. You can read these terms by clicking the adjacent links. Tick the box next to the links to agree the terms, then enter your full name and position within the company, then hit save changes to proceed. If there are any errors in your form completion, the website will notify you.


(Skip to ADD A LISTING if the venue relating to the Activity space you want to list has already been created).

All listings for Venue spaces, Accommodation, and Activity spaces must be linked to a Venue. The Venue page acts as a link between all Venue space listings at the same venue. The venue page does not appear in searches, but it is accessible via listing pages attached to that venue.

From the Business created page, click Add a venue.

On the Venue portfolio page, enter the name of the venue, a short summary of the venue that will serve as a subtitle to the venue name, plus a longer description to make the venue appealing to potential customers.

Choose a venue type which best describes your venue from the drop-down menu.

Next, click to select the venue types which apply to your venue. Choose all that are applicable as it will help customers efficiently find what they’re looking for.

Click Choose Media to add images to your Venue page. If you have already uploaded images to Flavoursearch, you can search for them here. If not, click Choose file to select images from your computer storage. Once selected, click Upload to add the image to your Flavoursearch image database.

Once uploaded, the images will appear under the Upload field. Click the images you want to use to add them to your Venue page. The first image you click will be the main image. You must use a minimum of 6 images. Click close after selecting your images.

Click Save & Next to progress.

On the next page, enter the address details for your venue. It is important that the address is correct because it will affect any listings you associate with the venue. Either use the search for an address tool or enter it manually.

From the Search Location drop down menu, choose the search location option most appropriate. If the city where your venue is located is shown, select it. If not, select the region or country where your venue is located. This will show your listings in searches starting from the homepage. For example, if you select Wales / Cardiff, it will appear under those broad searches.

Write the name of the railway, underground or metro station closest to your venue.

Use the Search Exclusions section to hide any listings associated with the venue from appearing for enquiries for certain dates. For example, if your venue closes for renovations every February, click add an exclusion and use the calendar tool to select the first and last dates the venue is unavailable. Click add an exclusion again to add additional dates, such as the same period for subsequent years. Flavour Search staff may also add search exclusions to your listings. For example, if you have specified to us that you don’t pay agency commission for December events, we will exclude your listings for being shown to customers searching for December dates.

Click Save & Next.

Complete the Cuisine field to describe the type of food offered at the venue. If you offer a variety, such as Modern European and American bar snacks, write that. If your venue does not offer food, write N/A.

Input the total number of event spaces the venue has available to hire.

Next, click to select as many of the Accessibility options which apply to your venue. Choose one or more.

Next, click to select the food and drinks options offered at the venue, the licenses the venue has (if any), plus one or more applicable parking option.

Click Save & Next

On the next page, click to select the age policies, venue catering options and venue rules for your venue. Click none, or as many as are applicable. To display your own rules, such as dress codes or rules about dogs, click +Add custom rule.

Finally, once all the steps above have been completed, tick the Request approval box to submit your venue page to be approved by Flavour Search administrators. While the venue is pending approval, you can still proceed with creating listings for that venue.


Now that you have created a Venue, you can create listings to associate with that venue.

From your business dashboard, click Manage listings, or Listings, then click Create listing.

Choose the type of listing you wish to create. In this case, Activity spaces. This listing will display under relevant customer searches for Activity spaces. It will also appear under relevant searches for Venue spaces. 

Select the name of the Venue the listing will be linked to from the drop-down menu. If you have created multiple venues, they will be shown here.

Type the name of the Activity space you wish to list. For example, The Games Room. There is no need to write the name of the venue as that will automatically appear in the listing.

Write a short description to summarise the space, followed by a longer description.

Add six or more images for the listing using the process described above under ADD A VENUE.

Click Save & Next.

Next, you’ll input hire capacity values for the space. Use the arrows or your keyboard to write the minimum number of guests you would accept a booking for, the maximum number of guests the space can accommodate, then the maximum number of guests the space can accommodate in seated or standing formats.

Under layout, tick all the types of layouts the space can accommodate, and enter max capacity values in the adjacent fields. If your space can fit 20 guests in a boardroom layout, click the Boardroom box, and enter 20 in the field to the right, and so on. Some Activity spaces will not offer any of these layouts, so leave this section blank if it's not relevant to your listing. 

In dimensions, enter the size dimensions of the space in your preferred format.

Use the privacy drop-down to mark whether the space is Private (exclusively for the use of your guests), Semi-private (a room for your use, which may be visible to other venue guests), or Shared space (other venue guests will be in the same room as your event guests).

Click Save & Next.

On the next page, you’ll set the pricing options for hiring your space. First, set the minimum total spend per booking price. This is the minimum total price you will accept for a customer to hire your space. It is mandatory to complete this field. This number will determine if the listing will appear in a search when a customer has specified their event budget.

Next, select one or more Tiered prices and hours options. These details will be displayed on the listing page to help customers understand your pricing structure. Under the pricing category (Minimum spend, Hire fee etc..) click + Add new minimum spend to complete.

Minimum spend = Total minimum amount customer agrees to spend on their event. This could be a combination of F&B spend, hire fee etc.

Hire fee = If the space has an additional fee to cover hire, set up etc, write the price here.

Package per person = If you offer a package price per person, such as a daily delegate rate which includes refreshments and use of the space, write the price here.

Hire fee & minimum spend = To show the combined price for space hire, plus the minimum amount the customer will need to spend on F&B, write that here.

Hire fee & package per person = To show the combined hire fee and PP price, write that here.

Under each pricing category you have selected, you can set the amount. Use the drop down to show if that price applies per session, per hour, per morning, per afternoon, per evening, or per day. Use your keyboard or the arrows to note the hours your pricing covers. Finally, click on the days to show the days your space is available to hire according to the price option displayed. You can click + Add new minimum spend under each category to show different prices for different times and days. For example, if your minimum spend for a morning session on a Monday is different to your price for an evening session on a Friday, use + Add new minimum spend for every variable.

Use the Out-of-hours private hire options to let customers know if your prices and hours are negotiable, or if they are firm in accordance with what’s displayed in the listing. Click whichever option is correct.

Click Save & Next.

On the next page, you’ll select the Accessibility, Facilities, Food and drinks, and Licenses information to add to your listing. Select all the correct information, but don’t select information that does not apply. This info will appear on your listing page. It will also be used to filter your listing in a filtered search. For example, if a customer indicates they need Disabled access in a search filter, but you have not clicked Disabled access because your space does not have it, your listing will not be shown in that search.

Click Save & Next.

On the next page, you’ll select your keyword tags. These represent the types of events your space is suitable for. Each of these event type tags can be used in search filters, and for the customer to tell you what type of event they are planning in their enquiry form submission. They will also be shown on your listing, so click all that apply, but none that don’t.

Click Save & Next.

On the final page, you’ll get ready to publish your listing. First, select your publication date and time, either by using your keyboard, or the calendar tool. Click today if you are ready for the listing to go live the moment it has been approved. If you don’t want your listing to be visible until after a certain date, set that date here.

Select the User (person) that will manage enquiries for this listing under the User drop-down menu. If you have invited other users to manage your listings or business, they will appear here after they have accepted the invitation. If no other users have been invited, the name of the person who activated the business account will be shown.

Finally, when you are satisfied that you have fully and correctly completed your listing, tick the Request approval box. This will notify the Flavour search administrators that your listing requires their approval. Once the listing has been checked to make sure it’s complete and conforms with our terms and conditions, it will become live. You will receive an email notifying you that the listing is live, or if it requires alterations. Please note that once a listing is live, it cannot be deleted. Be sure to click Save & View to see what your listing will look like, then click edit listing to make any changes before you tick to Request approval.

Click Save & Finish once you are happy with your listing.  

Follow this guide on how to create an Accommodation listing, starting from scratch.


If you have bedrooms, dormitories, villas, chalets, tents, or any type of space that offers overnight guest accommodation, you can list it under Accommodation. 


(Skip to ADD A VENUE if you have already signed up as a user and registered your business).

First, you must register as a user on Click register from the top right menu, followed by Sign Up.

Provide your full name, email address, and telephone number. Enter the password you’d like to use to access your account, then reconfirm it.

Select your email marketing preferences.

If you tick “I’d like to register my business details to create listings after signing up”, you will be taken directly to the business registration page at the next step. If you wish to do that later, you can get to the business registration page by selecting “Create a Flavour listing” or “My Business” from the homepage when you’re logged in.

Click “Next” on the Register your business page.

Input your business details. This information must be completed accurately. This is the company information we will use to invoice your business for our agency commission following the completion of any bookings which originated from an enquiry via the Flavoursearch website.

Complete all fields marked as mandatory *. It isn’t mandatory to complete the Company online presence section, but it is advisable because it might help our venue finding team and marketing team to better serve you.

You must agree to our Terms of Use and Terms of Sale if you want to list your business on our website. You can read these terms by clicking the adjacent links. Tick the box next to the links to agree the terms, then enter your full name and position within the company, then hit save changes to proceed. If there are any errors in your form completion, the website will notify you.


(Skip to ADD A LISTING if the Venue relating to the Accommodation listing you want to list has already been created).

All listings for Venue spaces, Accommodation, and Activity spaces must be linked to a Venue. The Venue page acts as a link between all Venue space listings at the same venue. The venue page does not appear in searches, but it is accessible via listing pages attached to that venue.

From the Business created page, click Add a venue.

On the Venue portfolio page, enter the name of the venue, a short summary of the venue that will serve as a subtitle to the venue name, plus a longer description to make the venue appealing to potential customers.

Choose a venue type which best describes your venue from the drop-down menu.

Next, click to select the venue types which apply to your venue. Choose all that are applicable as it will help customers efficiently find what they’re looking for.

Click Choose Media to add images to your Venue page. If you have already uploaded images to Flavoursearch, you can search for them here. If not, click Choose file to select images from your computer storage. Once selected, click Upload to add the image to your Flavoursearch image database.

Once uploaded, the images will appear under the Upload field. Click the images you want to use to add them to your Venue page. The first image you click will be the main image. You must use a minimum of 6 images. Click close after selecting your images.

Click Save & Next to progress.

On the next page, enter the address details for your venue. It is important that the address is correct because it will affect any listings you associate with the venue. Either use the search for an address tool or enter it manually.

From the Search Location drop down menu, choose the search location option most appropriate. If the city where your venue is located is shown, select it. If not, select the region or country where your venue is located. This will show your listings in searches starting from the homepage. For example, if you select Wales / Cardiff, it will appear under those broad searches.

Write the name of the railway, underground or metro station closest to your venue.

Use the Search Exclusions section to hide any listings associated with the venue from appearing for enquiries for certain dates. For example, if your venue closes for renovations every February, click add an exclusion and use the calendar tool to select the first and last dates the venue is unavailable. Click add an exclusion again to add additional dates, such as the same period for subsequent years. Flavour Search staff may also add search exclusions to your listings. For example, if you have specified to us that you don’t pay agency commission for December events, we will exclude your listings for being shown to customers searching for December dates.

Click Save & Next.

Complete the Cuisine field to describe the type of food offered at the venue. If you offer a variety, such as Modern European and American bar snacks, write that. If your venue does not offer food, write N/A.

Input the total number of event spaces the venue has available to hire.

Next, click to select as many of the Accessibility options which apply to your venue. Choose one or more.

Next, click to select the food and drinks options offered at the venue, the licenses the venue has (if any), plus one or more applicable parking option.

Click Save & Next

On the next page, click to select the age policies, venue catering options and venue rules for your venue. Click none, or as many as are applicable. To display your own rules, such as dress codes or rules about dogs, click +Add custom rule.

Finally, once all the steps above have been completed, tick the Request approval box to submit your venue page to be approved by Flavour Search administrators. While the venue is pending approval, you can still proceed with creating listings for that venue.


Now that you have created a Venue, you can create listings to associate with that venue.

From your business dashboard, click Manage listings, or Listings, then click Create listing.

Choose the type of listing you wish to create. In this case, Accommodation. This listing will display under relevant customer searches for Accommodation.

Select the name of the Venue the listing will be linked to from the drop-down menu. If you have created multiple venues, they will be shown here.

Type the name of the Accommodation you wish to list. For example, Bedrooms. There is no need to write the name of the venue as that will automatically appear in the listing.

Write a short description to summarise the Accommodation, followed by a longer description.

Add six or more images for the listing using the process described above under ADD A VENUE.

Click Save & Next.

Next, you’ll input hire capacity values for the Accommodation as a whole. Use the arrows or your keyboard to write the total number of bedrooms the venue has, and the maximum total number of guests the venue can accommodate. For example, if your hotel has 245 bedrooms, with 200 being single occupancy, and 45 being double occupancy, you would write 245 under No. bedrooms, and 290 under Max. No. guests. 

Click Save & Next.

On the next page, you’ll set the pricing options for hiring your Accommodation. First, set the minimum total spend per booking price. This is the minimum total price you will accept for a customer to book accommodation with you. Our website will be browsed by clients looking to book group events, such as conferences or weddings, so you may choose to only sell your accommodation in bulk. For example, if the smallest booking you would accept from the website is 10 rooms at £200 each for 1 night, you would write £2,000 as the minimum total spend per booking price. It is mandatory to complete this field. This number will determine if the listing will appear in a search when a customer has specified their event budget.

Next, select one or more Tiered prices and hours options. These details will be displayed on the listing page to help customers understand your pricing structure. Under the pricing category (Minimum spend, Hire fee etc..) click + Add new minimum spend to complete.

Minimum spend = Total minimum amount customer agrees to spend on their event. This could be a combination of F&B spend, hire fee etc. DO NOT USE FOR ACCOMMODATION LISTINGS.

Hire fee = Use this to indicate the per night price per room.

Package per person = Use this to indicate the price per person, per night. 

Hire fee & minimum spend = To show the combined price for space hire, plus the minimum amount the customer will need to spend on F&B, write that here. DO NOT USE FOR ACCOMMODATION LISTINGS.

Hire fee & package per person = To show the combined hire fee and PP price, write that here. DO NOT USE FOR ACCOMMODATION LISTINGS.

Under each pricing category you have selected, you can set the amount. Use the drop down to show if that price applies per session, per hour, per morning, per afternoon, per evening, or per day. Per day is most commonly used for Accommodation listings. Use your keyboard or the arrows to note the hours your pricing covers. Finally, click on the days to show the days your accommodation is available to hire according to the price option displayed. You can click + Add new minimum spend under each category to show different prices for different times and days. For example, if your minimum spend for a morning session on a Monday is different to your price for an evening session on a Friday, use + Add new minimum spend for every variable.

Use the Out-of-hours private hire options to let customers know if your prices and hours are negotiable, or if they are firm in accordance with what’s displayed in the listing. Click whichever option is correct.

Click Save & Next.

On the next page, you’ll select the features for the listing. Accessibility refers to the hotel or building where your accommodation is located, Accommodation facilities refers to the facilities available in the bedroom, and Facilities refers to the facilities available at the hotel or building that houses the accommodation. Select all that are applicable. These choices will determine if your listing is to be shown in a filtered search. For example, if your bedrooms feature Wi-Fi, and you have selected this option, your listing will be shown to customers who are searching for accommodation with Wi-Fi (provided your listing meets the other search criteria in use). 

Click Save & Next.

On the next page, you’ll select your keyword tags (Business events). These represent the types of events your Accommodation is suitable for. Each of these tags can be used in search filters, and for the customer to tell you what type of event they are planning in their enquiry form submission. They will also be shown on your listing, so click all that apply, but none that don’t.

Click Save & Next.

On the final page, you’ll get ready to publish your listing. First, select your publication date and time, either by using your keyboard, or the calendar tool. Click today if you are ready for the listing to go live the moment it has been approved. If you don’t want your listing to be visible until after a certain date, set that date here.

Select the User (person) that will manage enquiries for this listing under the User drop-down menu. If you have invited other users to manage your listings or business, they will appear here after they have accepted the invitation. If no other users have been invited, the name of the person who activated the business account will be shown.

Finally, when you are satisfied that you have fully and correctly completed your listing, tick the Request approval box. This will notify the Flavour search administrators that your listing requires their approval. Once the listing has been checked to make sure it’s complete and conforms with our terms and conditions, it will become live. You will receive an email notifying you that the listing is live, or if it requires alterations. Please note that once a listing is live, it cannot be deleted. Be sure to click Save & View to see what your listing will look like, then click edit listing to make any changes before you tick to Request approval.

Click Save & Finish once you are happy with your listing.  

Follow this guide on how to create a Team building listing, starting from scratch.


If you offer a group activity which can be enjoyed across a range of indoor or outdoor locations, you can create a Team building listing. Team building activities are delivered at a customer’s chosen location or will cover a wide geographic range. For example, if a customer has booked a venue for their away-day, and they want to include a dance class as an icebreaker, the Team building activity supplier would perform at their chosen venue. If your team building activity only takes place at one venue, or a fixed selection of venues, you should create an Activity spaces listing instead. Team building listings could include: Outdoor treasure or scavenger hunts, sports days, gameshows, quizzes, dance classes, survival experiences, outdoor escape games, construction challenges, musical experiences, racing, orienteering and more.


(Skip to ADD A LISTING if you have already signed up as a user and registered your business).

First, you must register as a user on Click register from the top right menu, followed by Sign Up.

Provide your full name, email address, and telephone number. Enter the password you’d like to use to access your account, then reconfirm it.

Select your email marketing preferences.

If you tick “I’d like to register my business details to create listings after signing up”, you will be taken directly to the business registration page at the next step. If you wish to do that later, you can get to the business registration page by selecting “Create a Flavour listing” or “My Business” from the homepage when you’re logged in.

Click “Next” on the Register your business page.

Input your business details. This information must be completed accurately. This is the company information we will use to invoice your business for our agency commission following the completion of any bookings which originated from an enquiry via the Flavoursearch website.

Complete all fields marked as mandatory *. It isn’t mandatory to complete the Company online presence section, but it is advisable because it might help our venue finding team and marketing team to better serve you.

You must agree to our Terms of Use and Terms of Sale if you want to list your business on our website. You can read these terms by clicking the adjacent links. Tick the box next to the links to agree the terms, then enter your full name and position within the company, then hit save changes to proceed. If there are any errors in your form completion, the website will notify you.


From your business dashboard, click Manage listings, or Listings, then click Create listing.

Choose the type of listing you wish to create. In this case, Team building. This listing will display under relevant customer searches for Team building activities.

Type the name of the Team building activity you wish to list. For example, Outdoor Survival experience.

Write a short description to summarise the activity, followed by a longer description.

Click Choose Media to add images to your listing. If you have already uploaded images to Flavoursearch, you can search for them here. If not, click Choose file to select images from your computer storage. Once selected, click Upload to add the image to your Flavoursearch image database.

Once uploaded, the images will appear under the Upload field. Click the images you want to use to add them to your Venue page. The first image you click will be the thumbnail search image. You must use a minimum of 6 images. Click close after selecting your images. You can drag the images to reorder them.

Click Save & Next.

On the next page, first use the drop-down menu to choose the type of environment the activity is suitable for. Select either Indoors, Outdoors, or Indoors & Outdoors.

In the available locations field, describe the areas where the Team building activity can take place. Examples could include: UK wide, a range of venues in the north of England, various London regions, parks across England and Wales, any UK venue of your choice etc.

In the Average duration field, write the length of time the activity usually takes from start to finish.

In the Min. Booking Capacity field, use the arrows or type the lowest number of guests you would accept a booking for. Under Max. Booking Capacity, type or use the arrows to show the highest number of guest that can take part in the activity.

Click Save & Next.

On the next page, you’ll set the pricing options for booking your Team building activity. First, set the minimum total spend per booking price. This is the minimum total price you will accept for a customer to book your activity. It is mandatory to complete this field. This number will determine if the listing will appear in a search after a customer has specified their event budget.

Next, select one or more Tiered prices and hours options. These details will be displayed on the listing page to help customers understand your pricing structure. Under the pricing category (Minimum spend, Hire fee etc..) click + Add new minimum spend to complete.

Minimum spend = Total minimum amount customer agrees to spend on their event. This number should be the same as the minimum total spend per booking number you’ve set above.

Hire fee = If the activity has an additional fee to cover equipment hire, set up, transportation etc, write the price here.

Package per person = If you wish to express your pricing on a per person basis, write the price per person here.

Hire fee & minimum spend = DO NOT USE FOR TEAM BUILDING EVENTS.

Hire fee & package per person = DO NOT USE FOR TEAM BUILDING EVENTS.

Under each pricing category you have selected, you can set the amount. Use the drop down to show if that price applies per session, per hour, per morning, per afternoon, per evening, or per day. Use your keyboard or the arrows to note the hours your activity is available. Finally, click on the days to show the days your activity is available to book according to the price option displayed. You can click + Add new minimum spend under each category to show different prices for different times and days. For example, if your minimum spend for a morning session on a Monday is different to your price for an evening session on a Friday, use + Add new minimum spend for every variable.

Use the Out-of-hours private hire options to let customers know if your prices and hours are negotiable, or if they are firm in accordance with what’s displayed in the listing. Click whichever option is correct.

Click Save & Next.

On the next page, you’ll select your keyword tags. These represent the types of events your Team building activity is suitable for. Each of these event type tags can be used in search filters, and for the customer to tell you what type of event they are planning in their enquiry form submission. They will also be shown on your listing, so click all that apply, but none that don’t.

Click Save & Next.

On the final page, you’ll get ready to publish your listing. First, select your publication date and time, either by using your keyboard, or the calendar tool. Click today if you are ready for the listing to go live the moment it has been approved. If you don’t want your listing to be visible until after a certain date, set that date here.

Select the User (person) that will manage enquiries for this listing under the User drop-down menu. If you have invited other users to manage your listings or business, they will appear here after they have accepted the invitation. If no other users have been invited, the name of the person who activated the business account will be shown.

Use the Add an exclusion section to hide your listing from appearing during searches for certain dates. For example, if your activity is unavailable during Christmas and New-Year holidays, click add an exclusion and use the calendar tool to select the first and last dates the activity is unavailable. Click add an exclusion again to add additional dates, such as the same period for subsequent years. Flavour Search staff may also add search exclusions to your listings. For example, if you have specified to us that you don’t pay agency commission for December events, we will exclude your listings for being shown to customers searching for December dates.

Finally, when you are satisfied that you have fully and correctly completed your listing, tick the Request approval box. This will notify the Flavour search administrators that your listing requires their approval. Once the listing has been checked to make sure it’s complete and conforms with our terms and conditions, it will become live. You will receive an email notifying you that the listing is live, or if it requires alterations. Please note that once a listing is live, it cannot be deleted. Be sure to click Save & View to see what your listing will look like, then click edit listing to make any changes before you tick to Request approval.

Click Save & Finish once you are happy with your listing.  

Follow this guide on how to create a Virtual events listing, starting from scratch.


If you offer an event or activity which guests join via the internet, you can create a Virtual events listing. Virtual events can also include Hybrid events, where some guests join online, while others join in person. Popular virtual events platforms include Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, plus many others. We recommend you specify which platforms you can use in your event description. Types of Virtual event listings may include: Music Bingo, Game shows, Quizzes, Cooking and Cocktail classes, Painting workshops, Crafting, Murder-Mystery, Online Escape Rooms, Games, Challenges, Mindfulness, Yoga, Dance, and more.


(Skip to ADD A LISTING if you have already signed up as a user and registered your business).

First, you must register as a user on Click register from the top right menu, followed by Sign Up.

Provide your full name, email address, and telephone number. Enter the password you’d like to use to access your account, then reconfirm it.

Select your email marketing preferences.

If you tick “I’d like to register my business details to create listings after signing up”, you will be taken directly to the business registration page at the next step. If you wish to do that later, you can get to the business registration page by selecting “Create a Flavour listing” or “My Business” from the homepage when you’re logged in.

Click “Next” on the Register your business page.

Input your business details. This information must be completed accurately. This is the company information we will use to invoice your business for our agency commission following the completion of any bookings which originated from an enquiry via the Flavoursearch website.

Complete all fields marked as mandatory *. It isn’t mandatory to complete the Company online presence section, but it is advisable because it might help our venue finding team and marketing team to better serve you.

You must agree to our Terms of Use and Terms of Sale if you want to list your business on our website. You can read these terms by clicking the adjacent links. Tick the box next to the links to agree the terms, then enter your full name and position within the company, then hit save changes to proceed. If there are any errors in your form completion, the website will notify you.


From your business dashboard, click Manage listings, or Listings, then click Create listing.

Choose the type of listing you wish to create. In this case, Virtual events. This listing will display under relevant customer searches for Virtual events.

Type the name of the virtual event activity you wish to list. For example, Music Bingo.

Write a short description to summarise the activity, followed by a longer description.

Click Choose Media to add images to your listing. If you have already uploaded images to Flavoursearch, you can search for them here. If not, click Choose file to select images from your computer storage. Once selected, click Upload to add the image to your Flavoursearch image database.

Once uploaded, the images will appear under the Upload field. Click the images you want to use to add them to your Venue page. The first image will be the thumbnail search image. You must use a minimum of 6 images. Click close after selecting your images. You can drag the images to reorder them.

Click Save & Next.

On the next page, first use the drop-down menu to choose if the event is Virtual (all guests join via the internet), or Hybrid (some guests join via the internet, some join in-person).

Use the drop-down menu for Shipping to indicate if your event requires items that are shipped to guests beforehand, and where you’re willing to ship those items. Virtual events such as crafting workshops and cocktail making classes will often require that items get shipped to guests before the event takes place. If your event involves shipping, indicate that you will ship to UK only, EU-wide, or Global destinations. If your event does not require shipping, select (None).

In the Average duration field, write the length of time the activity usually takes from start to finish.

In the Min. Booking Capacity field, use the arrows or type the lowest number of guests you would accept a booking for. Under Max. Booking Capacity, type or use the arrows to show the highest number of guests that can take part in the activity.

Click Save & Next.

On the next page, you’ll set the pricing options for booking your Team building activity. First, set the minimum total spend per booking price. This is the minimum total price you will accept for a customer to book your activity. It is mandatory to complete this field. This number will determine if the listing will appear in a search after a customer has specified their event budget.

Next, select one or more Tiered prices and hours options. These details will be displayed on the listing page to help customers understand your pricing structure. Under the pricing category (Minimum spend, Hire fee etc..) click + Add new minimum spend to complete.

Minimum spend = Total minimum amount customer agrees to spend on their event. This number should be the same as the minimum total spend per booking number you’ve set above.

Hire fee = If the activity includes a hosting or set-up fee which applies to your event, input that amount here.

Package per person = If you wish to express your pricing on a per person basis, write the price per person here.

Hire fee & minimum spend = DO NOT USE FOR TEAM BUILDING EVENTS.

Hire fee & package per person = DO NOT USE FOR TEAM BUILDING EVENTS.

Under each pricing category you have selected, you can set the amount. Use the drop down to show if that price applies per session, per hour, per morning, per afternoon, per evening, or per day. Use your keyboard or the arrows to note the hours your activity is available. Finally, click on the days to show the days your activity is available to book according to the price option displayed. You can click + Add new minimum spend under each category to show different prices for different times and days. For example, if your minimum spend for a morning session on a Monday is different to your price for an evening session on a Friday, use + Add new minimum spend for every variable.

Use the Out-of-hours private hire options to let customers know if your prices and hours are negotiable, or if they are firm in accordance with what’s displayed in the listing. Click whichever option is correct.

Click Save & Next.

On the next page, you’ll select your keyword tags. These represent the types of events your Team building activity is suitable for. Each of these event type tags can be used in search filters, and for the customer to tell you what type of event they are planning in their enquiry form submission. They will also be shown on your listing, so click all that apply, but none that don’t.

Click Save & Next.

On the final page, you’ll get ready to publish your listing. First, select your publication date and time, either by using your keyboard, or the calendar tool. Click today if you are ready for the listing to go live the moment it has been approved. If you don’t want your listing to be visible until after a certain date, set that date here.

Select the User (person) that will manage enquiries for this listing under the User drop-down menu. If you have invited other users to manage your listings or business, they will appear here after they have accepted the invitation. If no other users have been invited, the name of the person who activated the business account will be shown.

Use the Add an exclusion section to hide your listing from appearing during searches for certain dates. For example, if your activity is unavailable during Christmas and New-Year holidays, click add an exclusion and use the calendar tool to select the first and last dates the activity is unavailable. Click add an exclusion again to add additional dates, such as the same period for subsequent years. Flavour Search staff may also add search exclusions to your listings. For example, if you have specified to us that you don’t pay agency commission for December events, we will exclude your listings for being shown to customers searching for December dates.

Finally, when you are satisfied that you have fully and correctly completed your listing, tick the Request approval box. This will notify the Flavour search administrators that your listing requires their approval. Once the listing has been checked to make sure it’s complete and conforms with our terms and conditions, it will become live. You will receive an email notifying you that the listing is live, or if it requires alterations. Please note that once a listing is live, it cannot be deleted. Be sure to click Save & View to see what your listing will look like, then click edit listing to make any changes before you tick to Request approval.

Click Save & Finish once you are happy with your listing.  


The Flavoursearch website includes a range of features which allow business users to invite other users to their My Business account, and manage their level of access. By using these features, the following actions can be completed:

  1. Adding and removing contacts from your business to your Flavoursearch My Business account.
  2. Selecting contacts to manage listing details and enquiries for one or more of your Flavoursearch listings.
  3. Removing contacts from your My Business account, or change/remove their permission to manage listings if their situation changes.

These features will be useful to businesses that have many listings and multiple event staff. For ease of administration, and to see accurate reporting in the analytics suite, it is best practice for a business to have as few My Business accounts as possible. The invitation and permission system allows a business to have multiple listings and enquiries managed by multiple event managers.


From the My Business dashboard, click Users from the top menu bar to access the invite users page. From here, you can click on any previously added users to change their permission levels, or remove them from your My Business account. To add a new user, click invite user. 

Use the first box to enter the email address of the user or users you would like to invite to your business. Add one email address per line. If you want to invite multiple users, but you want to assign different permissions or responsibilities for each, you should repeat this process for each user. The user will receive an email inviting them to join your business account. If they have already signed up for a user account on the Flavoursearch website, they will immediately have the access you have granted them after they accept the invitation. If not, they will be invited to register first. 

Next, you will tick the circles to the left of the page to decide the level of access the new user will have. The options are as follows:

Business Manager = This will essentially give the user the same level of access to your My Business account as you have. They will be able to update your account details, invite users, create venue pages and listings, manage updates and enquiries for listings, or assign a different user to do this.

Specific venues and all of their listings = Venue spaces, Activity spaces and Accommodation pages can each have one or more listings linked to them. By choosing this option, you will permit the user to create listings, update listing details and manage enquiries for all listings associated with the venues you select. Tick this circle and click on the applicable venue/s shown below. Please note that the new user does not automatically become the event manager (the person who manages enquiries) for these listings. You will set this up on the last page of the listing creation flow (publishing) for each listing by selecting the user from the User drop-down menu. 

Specific listings = Use this option to assign to user to one or more listings in your My Business account. By choosing this option, you will permit the user to update listing details and manage enquiries for the listings you select. Tick this circle and click on the applicable listing/s shown below. Please note that the new user does not automatically become the event manager (the person who manages enquiries) for these listings. You will set this up on the last page of the listing creation flow (publishing) for each listing by selecting the user from the User drop-down menu. 

None = Use this option if you would like to keep this user associated with your My Business account without giving them any access to listings or enquiries. If you remove the permissions of a user that is currently permitted to manage enquiries, the business account owner will automatically become the event manager for those listings.


This is done via the listing area of the business dashboard. If you want to assign a user to manage enquiries for a listing (assuming they are already linked to your My Business account), follow the steps below.

From the My Business dashboard, click on Listings, then the name of the listing you want the user to manage enquiries for.

On the right hand menu, click Publishing.

In the User field, use the drop=down menu to select the name of the user you want to manage the enquiries for this listing. If the user's name is not shown, it is because they have not yet been associated with your business account. Follow the steps described above under INVITING USERS to add them. 

Once you have selected the user, click Save & Finish. 

Some of our suppliers are VAT registered, and some are not. Therefore, listings will not show whether pricing is inclusive or exclusive of VAT, in order to offer flexibility. If a customer enquires about hiring your venue or service, you will have the opportunity to explain your pricing structure, along with any other information during the messages you share with them.